Lo Moda – Electric World

After Omar passed away, I was looking for another reason to keep my Baltimore obsession going. Enter Lo Moda. Helmed by Peter Quinn (who also does the extremely awesome Creative Capitalism), Lo Moda plays music that – and forgive me because I know this is Grade-E-music-writer-speak, but it’s true in this case – defies easy categorization. Take this track, for example: the tribal-esque drums (don’t let that description discourage you…I mean it in a good way) and the sinister, impish strings make this track cinematic in scope, far from a traditional indie rock song, and impossibly catchy. I don’t know for sure what the song is about, but I found it especially poigniant this morning as I was listening to it on my iPod, and I took my cell phone out of my pocket, which caused my digital camera to fall out, and I was then standing on the corner holding three gizmo gadgets. Hmm. Also, Gospel Store Front? Great album title. Cop it.

Audio — Lo Moda – Electric World

Post by Eli Russell