Jimmy Breslin: “No Timeouts”

“There’s no end, no timeouts. Not if you’re working,” Jimmy Breslin told the New York Times on Sunday. His new book, The Good Rat (reviewed the same day in the Times) proves the 77-year-old Breslin won’t stay quiet for long, as he demonstrated in his recent interview with STOP SMILING. In the words of journalist Alan Feur: “While his last few books were tepidly received and did not attract the typical strong reaction, he remains quite busy — as a crank, a scold, a public nuisance, a curmudgeon of the foulmouthed Irish mold, who has made a cottage industry out of keeping alive the grit, vitality and maverick spirit of New York’s phone-booth-and-fedora days.” … Following the passing of Norman Mailer, with whom Breslin ran for mayor of NY in 1969, New York magazine ran this piece, which chronicled their improbable campaign.