When Fan-Friendly Turns Sour

What happens when a 14-year-old girl wearing a jersey for a rival team is honored during a half-time presentation in Indianapolis? She’s relentlessly booed. Such was the case when thousands of Colts fans laid eyes on Anna Grant, decked out in a Patriots jersey, standing at mid-field. The incident, which had shades of the controversy surrounding the Girls Gone Wild treatment of women at Jets games, prompted the owner of the Patriots to incorporate Grant into the pre-game coin toss at the next Pats game as compensation. … The world of the Chicago Bulls continues to get weirder: First there was the spat between Ben Wallace and Joakim Noah, pictured here. Now second-round draft pick JamesOn Curry has been arrested for urinating in public. How will the execs in the luxury boxes at the United Center react? … And in music, what are fans of Carlos Santana to make of this brilliant YouTube parody?