Sun Ra’s Spaceship Lullaby in Philly
An exhibit curated by STOP SMILING contributor John Corbett that explores the furthest reaches of Sun Ra‘ s universe has landed not on the White House lawn, but at the Institute of Contemporary Art in Philadelphia (read about the show in the weekend New York Times); our site carries an array of Sun Ra coverage, from notes on his poetry to coverage of past exhibits chronicling his eclectic body of visual galaxy-hopping, as well as contributions from Corbett and his Chicago-based Corbett vs Dempsey gallery, including slideshows of artist Isobel Steele MacKinnon and jazz photographer Fred Burkhart. The choice of Philadelphia a host city for the current exhibit is a wise one, as Philly is one of the spots Sun Ra, who passed away in 1993, called home, along with Birmingham, Chicago and Saturn.