AIG, Green Pools and KFC Potholes

blog_colonelWith April around the corner, it’s time to reflect on a time capsule of March 2009: An executive at AIG who received a bonus worth more than $742,000 after taxes has resigned publicly, in an Op-Ed column in the New York Times (read more at AP); a proposal to send detainees at Guantanamo Bay to the suburbs of Alexandria, Virginia to stand trial at the federal courthouse is drawing mixed reviews; cities struggling to fill potholes might receive much-needed help from Colonel Sanders, so long as the patchwork is blazed with the KFC logo; and due to the increase in home foreclosures, green pools — abandoned swimming pools requiring “a chemical on [the water] which suffocates the larvae and also prevents any female mosquitoes from laying eggs” — are becoming more and more common in Arizona. One day, your kids might ask about this month…