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  • Heavy Metal in Baghdad Film Screening
  • Vice Films Documentary
  • 06.19.2008
    STOP SMILING Headquarters

One of the consequences of the war in Iraq is its profoundly dislocating effect on the lives of Iraqi civilians. Many face a painful choice between remaining in an insurgent homeland or joining the mass exodus out of Iraq to settle in a foreign country.

Vice Films' new documentary, Heavy Metal in Baghdad, follows the lives of five Iraqis who, as members of Acrassicauda, Iraqi's only heavy metal band, further risk their lives and safety for the sake of music. In a collaboration with Vice, STOP SMILING screened the documentary at our Chicago storefront on June 19th.

The band is dealt a blow when the members are forced to flee Iraq for Jordan and away from their growing, enthusiastic fan base in Baghdad. The extras on the DVD, which is available online, follow the band to Istanbul, where they now reside, awaiting the uncertain fate of heavy metal in the Middle East. These heavy metal rockers are the stars of a documentary at turns funny and dramatic, intelligent and touching.

We were proud to host the first Chicago screening and highly recommend it. You can learn more about the band at Heavy Metal in Baghdad.

photography by: Drury Brennan

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